Acuron: A Hard Hit on Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds

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As glyphosate-resistant weeds become an increasingly difficult issue, Federated recommends Acuron® with its three modes of action, applied pre-emerge or early post (up to 12-inch corn).

Ron Paulson, Federated agronomist at Isanti, said, “[Acuron] is almost a one-shot deal. If everything is perfect, you won’t have to come back.” In some situations, dependent upon the weed spectrum, Paulson noted, “you may need to come back post emerge.”

Acuron contains four active ingredients with “three overlapping modes of action” (see Syngenta’s Acuron fact sheet):

  1. Bicyclopyrone
  2. Mesotrione
  3. S-metolachlor
  4. Atrazine

Acuron has been demonstrated to provide broad-spectrum control in pre-emergence applications. (Read Acuron program options here.)

“For medium and heavy-textured soils, we really recommend Acuron,” said Paulson. Contact your Federated Agronomist to discuss glyphosate-resistant weed control.