Add Crop Protection to the Grocery List

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Once crop nutrient decisions are made, there’s one more item to add to the “grocery” list: a good crop protection plan, starting with a solid pre-emerge herbicide.

Panther® SC, a post-plant/pre-emerge herbicide is a “smart and effective chemistry” to utilize when combating waterhemp in soybeans, according to Jake Hansen, Federated agronomist at the Rush City location. Panther® SC is a private-label version of liquid Valor,® which is one of the active ingredients found in another popular soybean herbicide, Enlite.® (See Panther fact sheet and label. )

Like most pre-emerge herbicides, Panther SC is not a stand-alone product even though it has a strong residual on many broadleaf weed species; it needs to be part of a planned herbicide program.

Hansen recommends using “multiple modes of action to combat weeds, especially in fields . . . with accumulating weed pressure.” Panther SC can be tank mixed with Tricor® 4F or Prowl® H2O for additional residual activity on waterhemp, and other broadleaf weeds. Hansen added that it is also common to tank mix glyphosate with these chemistries in order to get excellent control of already emerged weeds.

Panther SC must be applied after planting, but before the crop emerges, within three days of planting according to its label. Hansen noted that communication and timing are key to successful and properly timed applications when using Federated’s custom application services (see article above), so talk to your Federated Agronomist soon to finish your grocery list.