Agronomy Notes as Discovery Plots Take Shape

Kevin Carlson, Federated’s senior agronomist, offered these agronomy reminders and observations as mid-August arrives:
- Discovery Plot tours begin in less than two weeks (on Aug. 27). Details below. Be sure to RSVP with the Federated location of your choice.
- Soil moisture varies widely throughout Federated’s geography. “It’s widely, widely variable,” said Carlson. “Some areas really need rain, some are just fine.”
- Soybean insects continue to pop up in Federated’s service areas.
- Aphids are showing up in late-planted soybeans, and Japanese beetles are a bigger issue than what’s been seen in the past. “They aren’t a typical soybean insect,” said Carlson. Japanese beetles have been feeding on the tops of the leaves, and going after the pods.
- Spider mites are being spurred on by the dryer, warmer weather (in some areas). “If you are seeing areas of the field going backwards – spots in the field that are not progressing, turning color, not looking like they should – think spider mites.” Spider mites often start in the smaller parts of the field, next to grass.
- Your Federated Agronomist can recommend products that control both pests at the same time. Carlson emphasized: “These pests cannot be ignored. They take a lot of yield relatively quickly.”
- White mold is also showing up in soybeans. Although it is too late to control white mold this season, it is important to note its presence because once it shows up in a field, it will likely reappear in subsequent seasons. Early-season preventive treatments are the best option to fight white mold, so scout fields this year and be prepared for next year.