Defend Against Stress, Improve Plant Health

Plant health gets an added boost with VersaMax AC, an enhanced nutritional micro blend that can be applied on corn, soybeans, and more. Federated recommends this product as a "tool for improving overall plant health."
Labeled for use on any crop, VersaMax AC offers:
- six key nutrients (see chart);
- foliar nutrition to help defend against plant stress;
- tank-mixing capabilities;
- increased humectancy (which helps plants absorb and retain nutrients)
- increased yield potential and return on investment (see fact sheet for corn and soybean yield trial results).
VersaMax AC can be applied before or after deficiency symptoms appear, at a use rate of 1-2 qt./ac. It can also be applied with pesticides, either as a foliar application or in the soil.
Contact your Federated Agronomist to learn more about foliar applications.