Discovery Plot Tours Underway This Week
Discovery Plot Tours got underway yesterday (in Osceola, pictured) and continue through next week. Registration begins at each plot site at 10:30 a.m. with the presentation and tour running from 11 a.m. to noon. Lunch follows. Be sure to head out to your closest plot and get the latest hybrid and variety updates. Give your local Federated location a call to RSVP.
This year’s key topics:
- Hybrids and varieties for 2019
- A new Liberty® Round Up® soybean double stack will be available in 2019 from Legend® Seed; it has full market grain channel approval.
- Local agronomy updates
- Fall fertilization programs
- Comparisons of old and new hybrids and varieties
Today – Aug. 28 – Rush City | Craig Mold Farm
Aug. 29 – Hinckley | Nate Nelson Farm
Aug. 30 – Princeton | Larry & Sharon Wilhelm
Sept. 4 – Foley | Doug Lezer Farm
Sept. 5 – Ogilvie | Steffen Farms
Sept. 6 – Albertville | Linneman Farm
Sept 7 – Isanti | Paul & Janet Bostrom