Don’t Wait to Buy. Pre-pay on Seed This Fall.

soybeans ready for harvest rsz

Going into harvest it’s easy to focus on this season, and not think too much about next, but the different options Federated offers for seed purchases are worth a serious look this fall. “There’s one that fits every farmer,” said Steiner.

“Every year Federated talks about the importance of pre-paying to lock in the best price of the year,” said Keith Steiner, Federated’s business relationship specialist. And, with commodity prices as low as they’ve been, pre-paying has become “one of the most important things to remain profitable on the farm,” said Steiner.

“One of the best options this time of year is through John Deere Financial,” Steiner said. Most of the major seed companies offer financing with low (or even 0%) fixed interest rates, early purchase discounts, and due dates of November and December 2019.

“Most farmers already have a credit line with John Deere Financial,” he said, “and if they do not the application process is very quick and easy.”

Federated Agronomists area ready to assist with the seed decision-making process, and since some of the largest discounts end in October and November, it’s important to talk to them now – and throughout harvest.

Steiner also noted that Federated also offers crop input loans through CFA, a financing cooperative; those loans can be used to pre-pay seed at the full cash discount that Federated offers.

CFA loans are a popular way Federated growers finance their operations. “CFA offers one of the most flexible and low interest rate crop financing options that fits the needs of our farmers,” said Steiner.

Steiner encouraged farmers to “sit down and pencil out the numbers” on pre-paying seed this fall versus waiting until spring. “I’m always open to help anyone put together their numbers and help them find the best options for financing on their farm,” he added.

Talk to Steiner or your Federated Agronomist soon to take advantage of the best pre-pay options Federated offers this fall.