Essential Nutrients in Every Fused Granule

In today’s tight market, getting top yields is essential. Craig Peterson, Federated Agronomist at the Ogilvie location, highlighted a one key to obtaining top yields: “Getting the proper nutrients in the proper place for plant uptake.” Federated Co-ops offers a premier product, MicroEssentials® SZ™ (Mesz), to help with that process.
Mesz contains 12% Nitrogen, 40% Phosphate, 10% Sulfur, and 1% Zinc, all of which are combined with “Fusion Technology” to get all four nutrients into every granule. Mesz helps improve plant availability and uptake, and the unique granular formulation allows for highly uniform distribution across every acre.
Mesz has two types of sulfur: 5% sulfate, and 5% slow release sulfur. “The slow release sulfur becomes available later in the season, giving you protection from leaching,” said Peterson, “while the sulfate is available for early season plant growth.” Additionally, Mesz is a harder granule than most other fertilizers; it isn’t affected by humidity, which means it doesn’t gum up planter augers and application remains at a constant rate.
MicroEssentials SZ also blends effectively with other fertilizers and when blended with potash, it works well as a banded starter. Mesz can also be broadcast, Peterson noted, which means “it has a fit in pretty much any crop.”
With increased plant uptake, more even distribution, and season-long nutrition, Mesz is a perfect fit for today’s top yielding hybrids. Talk with your Federated Agronomist to see where Mesz may fit in your 2018 crop plans.
Go to this link for more information on MicroEssentials SZ yield benefits based on years of research.