Federated Propane is Ready. Are You?

Federated propane tanks

Propane is ready at Federated. Is your propane tank full?

Mark Grave, Federated’s director of energy, said, “Your [Federated] propane teams have completed the preparations for the upcoming drying season . . . and we recommend filling all dryer tanks well ahead of combined hitting the fields.”

Crops are slightly ahead of schedule throughout the Midwest, and the USDA predicts a record corn harvest. According to Grave, Federated believes there is ample propane supply. However, “the challenge, as always, is to move propane from storage through the pipeline and rail infrastructure fast enough to keep up with drying demands.”

Federated’s propane team “has sourced propane at multiple pipeline and rail terminals throughout the state. We are fortunate to have invested in our own rail unloading site in Cambridge to receive propane shipments directly from the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota and Canadian suppliers.” The challenge, he maintains, is having the foresight “to order and receive these shipments when demand is peaking.”

When growers fill their tanks early – before combines hit the field – propane at Federated facilities can be replenished for the re-fills that every grower will need, helping ensure an “uninterrupted supply throughout the harvest season.”

Most importantly, Grave stressed, communicate with Federated’s propane team soon and often to keep propane in steady supply.