From Federated's Operations Manager, Mike Meelberg...

thank you

While this fall has been challenging, there have been bright spots. Yield has been higher than most expected and the weather came around to allow most growers to get a lot of the harvest completed. We have had a few growers take advantage of fall fertilization again this year and I think that will pay off in the spring. As everyone remembers, it really sped up planting in the spring for those who applied fertilizer the fall of 2016. If you have not yet applied fertilizer this fall, check with your Agronomy location; there still may be time to get it done before the weather brings our season to an end.

We understand that customers have choices when it comes to purchasing inputs for their operation, and we appreciate the trust you give us. We hope the services we provide are of great value as we strive to live up to our customers' expectations. If you ever feel we are not delivering the service you need, I hope you will contact your nearby Federated location or me (Mike Meelberg) directly.

We are deeply committed to providing the best customer service and products available. I know that I repeat these sentiments every year but we truly appreciate your business. Everyone at Federated Co-ops thanks you for your continued patronage and we hope to keep you as valued customers for years to come. 

I would also take this time to thank our employees for the job they do and the extra effort they put in all year long. Employees throughout the entire company put in the extra effort to truly make a difference for our customers. Thank you for all that you do. We hope to continue to build strong relationships with our customers well into the future.

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!