Finalize Crop Protection Plans Now

The frost isn’t all out and the planters haven’t hit the field, but it’s last call for crop protection plans! “We need to have a plan A, plan B, and sometimes a plan C,” said Craig Loen, Federated agronomist at the Osceola location.
Those plans should include a discussion of what specific chemicals to use on each crop and/or field, as well as a list of alternative chemistry options because “the first plan doesn’t always work,” he said, and if there’s a “weather event, beans cracking, beans on top of the ground,” or some other crop issue, it’s good to have alternatives in place so applications get done in a timely manner.
“We need to get growers’ fields in our Surety mapping system or in our new Summit/Sirrus platform,” said Loen. He specified that Federated needs to know the field boundaries and any sensitive features near or around the fields, along with crop intentions for each field. And, he said, “this needs to be done ASAP, before field work begins.”
Federated Agronomists are ready to help at any time, but if there have been no advance discussions – no plans – about crop protection, it can be challenging to address the situations. It is important to have a plan for pre- and post-emerge applications, before the planters go into the fields.
“Remember that we need to spray weeds early, before they emerge or [when they are] less than 4-in. tall; some weeds can grow 1-3 in. per day in the right conditions,” said Loen.
“If Federated is going to spray your field, call us as soon as you are finished planting each field, so we can make a timely application,” he said. And with that call, be prepared to provide this important information:
- - Field maps showing the location and size of every field
- - Crop identification for every field – what traits are planted where?
- - Organic? Conventional? Roundup® Ready? GT?
- - Liberty Link®? Liberty GT soybeans?
- - Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® (dicamba), Enlist™ (2,4D)
- - Field conditions and history – what was planted previously, what chemicals were used on the previous crop, and what are the weed issues, are weeds present now?
- - Your signed Product Service Policy form (see this article).