Halex® GT for Good Post-Emerge Weed Control

young corn seedling

Halex® GT is a proven post-emerge herbicide that controls more than 90 broadleaf weeds and grasses. “It has long-lasting residual so it can be applied early post-emerge, row and go,” said John Swanson, Federated agronomist at the Ogilvie location.

Halex GT (a Syngenta® product) has three modes of action, making it a “great tool” for managing weed resistance on Roundup Ready® corn.

  • At 3.6 pts./ac., Halex GT contains 3 oz. of Callisto (mesotrione), 1 pt. of Dual (S-metolachlor), and the equivalent of 32 oz./ac. of glyphosate.
  • Be sure to add NIS (Tradition) at 1 qt./100 gal. of water, as well as a water conditioning agent such as AMS or Array.

This herbicide can be applied on up to 30-inch corn, but “for best yield protection, apply Halex GT before weeds reach 4 inches,” he said.

  • Adding 1/4 - 1/2 lb./ac. of atrazine can improve broadleaf control, but that tank mix must be applied before the corn is 12” tall (due to atrazine label restrictions).

Always read and follow label instructions before applying any chemical,” said Swanson, and “be sure to talk to your local Federated Agronomist to see if [Halex GT] is a good fit for your weed control program.”