Post-emerge Option for Waterhemp

In the fight against resistant weeds – especially waterhemp – Noventa™, from BASF, is an effective option for post-emerge weed control on Enlist® soybeans.
As full-grown waterhemp releases half a million seeds per plant, this invasive weed commands attention. Matt Kurtz, Federated's Rush City location manager, said, “We see 90-95% control [of waterhemp] with pre-emerge applications within three days of planting.”
But, there are still millions of waterhemp seeds escaping from the 5-10% of the plants that didn’t die with pre-emerge, which makes post-emerge applications critical.
Noventa, with gulfosinate-ammonium as its active ingredient, includes a “full surfactant load in the premix,” said Kurtz. It is best applied with a spray volume of 20 gal./ac. (use rate of 29-36 oz./ac.) on weeds that are four inches or less in height. “It is a really good fit following pre-emerge applications, 28 days later, mixed with metolachlor and Enlist™ for controlling waterhemp – and other weeds,” said Kurtz.
Growers can look to Noventa as “an option aside from glyphosate and 2,4-D,” said Kurtz. “It fills the gap where there is heavy pressure from waterhemp,” he said.
Talk to your Federated Agronomist soon to discuss weed control for 2021 – especially on resistant weeds.