Craig Gustafson, Federated's eastern division agronomy manager, explained the situation:
If you do your own crop protection spraying, we need your help. In the past Federated was able to keep every grower's pesticide applicator certification license on file, which simplified the process of purchasing crop protection products from Federated.
However, state regulations have become more stringent, which require the licensed individuals to show their applicator certification license at the point of sale (POS) for every "Restricted Use Pesticide" purchase.
Gustafson added, "A valid license is also required to mix and apply crop protection products."
Customer service is one of Federated's primary goals, and by communicating the importance of these guidelines, Federated hopes to avoid any delays -- for all growers.
Please remember:
Bring your applicator certification license when you purchase or pick up crop protection products.
Got questions? Call your Federated Agronomist.