Remember to Increase SOA to Fight Resistance

thumbnail of Halex info sheet

As another season of weed control nears, it is critical to consider herbicides with multiple sites of action to combat weed resistance. Halex GT® is one option – with three sites of action (SOA) – for “excellent weed control in a Roundup Ready® corn system,” said Tim Stelter, Federated’s Osceola location manager.

Halex GT is a premix of three different active ingredients (s-metolachlor for pre-emerge grass, glyphosate for emerged weeds, mesotrione for broadleaf control). “Add atrazine when and where you are able; it will enhance weed control and add one more SOA,” said Stelter, adding that Halex GT is an economical herbicide option.

Application timing for Halex GT is post emerge, from VE up to V8 corn. “Crop tolerance is excellent,” Stelter noted.

Applications rates vary based on weed size, but Stelter said “the idea is [to apply Halex GT] on less than four-inch weeds.” Always read and follow label directions, and talk to your Federated Agronomist for additional help with application timing and rates.