Seed Orders: Procrastination Can Be Costly

corn and soybean seed on $100 bill

As growers turn to harvesting corn – with soybean harvest interrupted by early snow – “it’s time to get a little more serious about seed orders,” said Bob Marquette, Federated agronomist at the Albertville location.

The biggest issue potentially facing growers this year is the supply of Enlist® seed. Federated evaluated need in the co-op’s service areas and ordered seed, including Enlist, accordingly, but the demand will be high in 2021.

Demand will also be high for XtendFlex® soybeans with the Liberty trait from Bayer® (see related article).

But, Marquette said, somewhat jokingly, “Order now -- or else!” However, the joke only goes so far because supply is not endless. And more importantly, the best prices are available early. 

Marquette said that ordering seed late is “mostly just procrastination.” There’s really no good reason to delay. Financing is available, as are tax benefits for orders placed by Dec. 31. Seed paid for by Jan. 8, 2021 will have the best early cash discounts.

Avoid likely price increases – and ensure seed availability – by ordering soon. Talk to your Federated Agronomist for recommendations on the best hybrids and varieties for your farm.