Seed Treatment: A Good “Insurance” Policy

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Your truck, your house, and your crops are insured. How about your seed?

Seed treatment is a simple form of “insurance” against “issues that can arise throughout the growing season,” said Cody Lezer, Federated’s seed warehouse manager at Ogilvie.

Seed treatment improves stand counts; it also promotes better root growth, which helps plants find nutrients in the soil. Seed treatment helps prevent diseases “that can cause serious yield drag on plants,” said Lezer. And it’s relatively cheap, he added. For the reasonable cost of about 1-1.5 bushels (based on early 2021 prices) you can put treatment on your high-value seed and plant with the assurance that you bought the right “insurance” for your new crop.

Federated requests 48-hour notice for seed treatment prior to picking up seed orders. The following seed treatment options are available from Federated Co-ops.

On soybeans:

  • CruiserMaxx® Vibrance®, a combination fungicide and insecticide treatment to “protect against damage from early-season insects, soilborne and seedborne diseases.”
  • Vibrance® Trio, a fungicide treatment to fight early season soybean diseases “regardless of planting conditions.”
  • Heads Up, a fungicide for the suppression of white mold and to guard against sudden death syndrome (SDS).

On wheat (and barley):

Follow the product links above to learn more about the specific treatment, and talk to your Federated Agronomist for pricing and further information.