Soybean Discovery Plot Data Sets Stage for 2022

Discovery Plot harvest

Soybean Discovery Plot harvest is complete, and the data is solid, though the yields are variable. “Because of the moisture,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager, “some yields are good, and some not so good. The results were very weather dependent.”

“The newer Enlist® soybeans performed very well,” he said, and for 2022, “that’s the trait we are recommending” – the latest generation of Enlist soybeans.

Going forward, Federated is addressing many questions about chemistry supply and availability “because of various reasons in the marketplace,” said Carlson. Federated has made an early order request from Corteva® – the supplier of Enlist beans. The weed control options for Enlist beans include “good pre-emerge and post-emerge applications for the entire weed spectrum we see out there,” said Carlson, “and that’s the trait we are promoting.”

Unfortunately, Liberty® and Roundup Ready® generics (both glyphosate and gulfosinate) have significant supply chain questions; thus, Federated is “most comfortable” recommending Enlist and Enlist Duo® right now, Carlson said. The chemistry, the traits, and supply availability are “about as good as it gets,” he added.

Bulk seed is another option for 2022. “We are already pulling beans into the bins,” he said, “predominantly Enlist.” (As a side note, all bulk seed will now be stored at Federated’s Ogilvie agronomy center, “where the state-of-the-art seed treater is located,” Carlson said.)

Click on the farm name to view 2021 Soybean Discovery Plot results:

Gustafson Farm - Osceola 

Patnode Dairy – Albertville

Wilhelm Farm – Ogilvie

KGL Farms (Harris) - Rush City

Bostrom Farm – Isanti

Carlson also noted that the Winfield Answer Plot data supports the Discovery Plot data. View the Minnesota Banded Breakout Data here.

Study these reports and then give your Federated Agronomists a call to help interpret the data. Note that moisture and soil types played the biggest role in 2021 results, not geography. The summer rains were spotty. Disease pressure was light – “when painting with a broad brush across Federated’s service areas,” said Carlson – and white mold was insignificant.

In both soybeans and corn, the “yield potential is found in the genetics,” said Carlson, “along with the traits.” Enlist beans are better with each new release, “from a disease perspective, and definitely from a weed perspective.”

Your Federated Agronomist is ready to make recommendations for your specific fields for 2022.