Soybean Discovery Plot Results

Harvest results from Federated's nine soybean Discovery Plots are charted in the links below. Click on the plot name below to see the complete harvest report.
In reviewing the plot results, Kevin Carlson, Federated's senior agronomist, said, "The good soybean varieties filtered towards the top again, just like last year. The more consistent higher-yielding products also had higher disease resistance, especially with white mold (in the plots that had disease pressure)." He added, "That's a disease we need to continue to manage with variety selection, and with other tools as well, to try to reduce the incidence because there can be significant yield loss with white mold."
Again, thank you to the Discovery Plot cooperators whose hard work made it possible to provide this valuable crop information. Talk to your Federated Agronomist with any questions about the plot results.
The soybean Discovery Plot results will also be posted on the Federated Co-ops website mid-November. The corn Discovery Plot results will be available in upcoming editions of the Agronomy Update.