Soybean Plot Harvest Underway

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Federated's soybean plots - both Discovery Plots and others - are being harvested now and full results will be published in early November. Kevin Carlson, Federated's senior agronomist, recently walked the Legend Liberty Link soybean plot and found "two varieties that express yield punch in [their] seed size."


LS1230 produces a slightly larger seed (see above) and also branches more than LS1527 (see below). Both are very well suited for 15-30" rows. "They close row early in the season," said Carlson.


According to Carlson, all the Liberty link soybean varieties  are in very tight supply. He recommended talking to your Federated Agronomist today to secure your supply for next year, before they are gone.

An adjoining Federated plot featured Croplan 1200 soybeans - drilled - with "good pods, standing really well," said Carlson. They are not as branchy as the Liberty Link variety, "but they are drilled," he added. See video below.

Croplan 1200 Beans (Drilled)

Croplan 1200 Beans

See this characteristics chart  for details on Croplan 1200, as well as this linkfor more information on this variety.

Talk to your Federated Agronomist  soon about soybean seed options for 2018.