Top Five Weeds to Watch . . . and Control

giant ragweed patch

As more weeds become resistant to herbicides, it’s imperative to start weed control early. Weeds that compete with the crop can quickly cut into yields. Federated’s geography is not immune to some extremely difficult weeds (see video below).

Here are Federated’s top five weeds to watch for – and control – according to Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager:

  1. Giant Ragweed (photo). It grows fast and is extremely competitive with the crop, no matter which crop you are growing. It creates prolific patches, and those patches can become big problems.
  2. Waterhemp. “We have limited chemical choices to control this weed,” said Carlson, so early control is essential. Waterhemp populations build over time, from season to season. It is an extremely prolific seed producer; “it spreads like wildfire.”
  3. Lambsquarters. In soybeans, but also in corn, lambsquarters has become tolerant to glyphosate applications. This easy to identify plant can get big and easily becomes competitive.
  4. Common ragweed. This old-time weed continues to be some of a challenge, but it, too, can steal moisture and nutrients from the crop.
  5. A variety of weeds that appear here and there (especially in fields lacking pre-emerge herbicide applications) – or everywhere. Velvet leaf and yellow nutsedge, to name just two.

Volunteer corn is another top concern since it acts like a weed, overpowering both soybeans and corn, and causing deductions at the point of sale (i.e., when corn grain is in the soybean grain). No-till growers likely have other troublesome weeds, such as marestail.

Note that the biggest weed issues are broadleaves. “Grasses in our Round-up Ready® crops have tended to disappear in our crops (other than late-coming grass before the crop canopies, especially if it’s dry).

Weed control needs to be designed to fight these challenging weeds. “We can help with Mitigate® Plus – with Yieldburst™ Technology – tank mixed at 8 fl. oz./ac. with Enlist®,” said Carlson. By triggering the plant’s natural abilities, Mitigate Plus helps reduce stress from other tank mix partners, too, such as Round-up and Liberty®.

Versamax® AC is another tank mix partner, at 1-2 qt./ac., that helps boost energy and nutrition for the crop.

Talk to your Federated Agronomist to determine your best weed control options.
