White Mold: It's 'Now or Never' Weeds: Hit Them Now

Liberty on waterhemp with no crop response on soybeans

“The timing is right there for spraying fungicides for white mold suppression,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s senior agronomist. As reported in the last edition of the Agronomy Update, the long days and short nights produce flowers (top photo) on indeterminate soybeans. The best time to treat for white mold suppression is at the R1 stage.

“We are getting the moisture, the temps are about right, and we suspect that white mold is going to be back,” said Carlson. Don’t hesitate. The window of opportunity to minimize white mold activity will pass quickly. Federated recommends Aproach® herbicide. Contact your Federated Agronomist this week to determine what’s best on your soybeans!

And then, Carlson said, get going with weed control. The Federated agronomy team is adamant about pre-emerge herbicide spraying (“it’s weed control suicide without it,” said Carlson), but even with a solid pre program, problem weeds can emerge and it’s time for post applications.

Those growers who planted Liberty Link® soybeans have a great option in Liberty® herbicide: it kills resistant weeds. “Liberty offers really good weed control for those weeds, with no crop response,” said Carlson (see photos – Liberty on thistle, waterhemp, and horsetail, with unaffected soybeans).

Liberty is a non-volatile application, unlike highly volatile dicamba. (Carlson noted Federated has seen some successes with dicamba, but it has been problematic.) Liberty spraying can continue even after the June 20 cutoff date for dicamba.

For those growers with non-Liberty beans, the Roundup Ready system is available, with post-emerge “burner” applications (Flexstar®, Ultra Blazer®, Cobra®).

Growers who are asking, “What can I spray on my beans?” will appreciate the information in this link , which addresses the challenges of fields with heavy weed pressure – with or without pre-emerge applications.

Of course, Federated Agronomists are always ready to help. And for next season, “plant more Liberty beans!” said Carlson.

“There is more to come with our Liberty Roundup double stack next year, which will make it possible to spray both Liberty and Roundup (you have to use one or the other right now),” said Carlson. Liberty Link GT Plus, double stack, will be available for the 2019 season.”

Whatever your option or preference this year, don’t wait. Hit the weeds before they hit your crops.