Protect N Further with Factor

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Because nitrogen (N) is very susceptible to loss through volatilization from the soil into the air, it is very important to protect the nitrogen that is applied. According to Russ Overass of Rosen's, when it's time to side dress, several factors come into play that can increase the rate of N loss:

  • soil pH that exceeds 7.0;
  • soil temperature above 50o F;
  • lack of rain or irrigation (at least 0.5 in. is needed soon after N application);
  • low soil organic matter or high sand content. 

Treating with Factor can protect the nitrogen so it is available when the plants need it. (View this Urea Volatilization Study report.) Factor helps prevent loss of N into the air, and increases yield potential. Contact your Federated Agronomist for more info.