Fungicides Improve Plant Health to Better Fight Disease

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Crop diseases such as white mold (see article above) are minimized when plant health is strong. Federated recommends DuPont™ Aproach® fungicide to help ward off white mold in soybeans. Aproach is a broad-spectrum fungicide that provides more complete coverage with its rapid absorption into and within the soybean plant.

Aproach is both preventive and curative against many fungal diseases (see this link on how fungicides move through plants), but white mold, unlike some diseases, can't be treated after it appears. Soybeans need preventive help from fungicides such as Aproach.

While it can be challenging to hit the ideal timing for fungicide applications, for white mold suppression in soybeans, the timing should be between R1 and R2, early flowering to full flower, according to Bruce Carlson of DuPont.

Aproach applied R1-R2 (@9 oz./ac.) will help suppress white mold and provide overall disease control; it can be applied at R3-R4 (@6 oz/.ac.) for overall disease control and improved plant health. For fields with a history of heavy white mold, or if the weather becomes conducive to white mold (cool and wet), a second application 10-14 days later will improve the control of white mold.

For additional information on fungicide application and timing, talk to your Federated Agronomist.