Discovery Plot Days 2017

Discovery Plot

The 2017 Discovery Plot Days begin August 21. Topic details will be in the next Agronomy Update, but the tours promise to include a sneak peak at Balance™ GT soybeans (from Bayer®), a new variety that includes a double herbicide-tolerant stack of traits. There are also many RR 2 Xtend® soybeans in the plots, and discussions will center on hybrids, genetics, and traits.

Plan now to attend! RSVP to your Federated Agronomist. Each tour begins at 10 a.m. and concludes with lunch at noon.

Week 1 

  • Mon., August 21 - Osceola - Craig Gustafson Farm
  • Tues., August 22 - Isanti - Paul Bostrom Farm 
  • Wed., August 23 - Albertville - Lennemen Farm 
  • Thurs., August 24 - Princeton - Wilhelm Farm 
  • Fri., August 25 - Sauk Rapids - Lezer Farm 

Week 2 

  • Mon., August 28 - Rush City -Mold Farm 
  • Tues., August 29 - Hinckley - Nate Nelson Farm
  • Wed., August 30 - Ogilvie - Steffens Farm