Propane is on the Move

"Federated's propane supply is more than adequate," said Mark Grave, Federated's propane manager, based in part on efforts to secure propane and transportation well in advance of harvest time. Federated relies on multiple supply points and a mixture of pipeline and rail terminals to capture propane across the nation.
Nationwide inventories, according to Grave, are at the "lower end of the five-year average due to high petrochemical demand and exports," which, he said, "has created a strong fundamental pricing picture for this fall."
Grave noted that "with a large corn crop throughout the Midwest, short-term supply challenges will likely unfold at the supply terminal," but to offset that possibility, he said, "we strongly urge growers to fill all dryer tanks now in preparation."
Early propane deliveries to growers before the busy autumn give Federated the opportunity to replenish propane inventory ahead of harvest, to better sustain supply throughout the season.
Growers who have need for additional propane tanks for drying this fall should contact Federated soon to get on the schedule. Thanks to rapid customer growth on the propane side of the co-op's business, crews are booked well in advance for tank placement and gas line installation.
Whether it's for new installations or early refills, contact Federated soon to get set for harvest.