Playing the Match Game in Crop Management


What children learn as they try to put square blocks into round holes is the same principle growers must apply: the pieces have to match.

Matching chemistry with traits is critical to success. Crop yields – and sometimes crop survival – require that the right seed goes in for the right chemical to be applied later. And with resistant weeds dragging down yield, the pressure is on for well-matched seed and crop protection.

Federated continues to recommend the Liberty Link system, which uses Legend® seed and Liberty® herbicide to control tall waterhemp and giant ragweed. “There is no known resistance to the Liberty Link system,” said Rod Gustafson, agronomy center manager at Federated’s Albertville location. “It’s a good tool that is available to farmers.”

People talk about yield drag with chemicals, Gustafson noted, “but if you aren’t getting control of the weeds, the weeds are going to put a drag on yield, too!”

“Pick the [crop protection] chemical you want to use, and then buy the trait,” he said, for both corn and soybeans. That ensures that you will be able to address weed concerns with the best product(s).

The Liberty Link system includes a new double-stack soybean for 2019 that combines Liberty and Roundup for better control of the toughest weeds. Read more about Liberty here.

An important reminder: “Still use a good pre-emerge herbicide,” said Gustafson. “Put that pre down, whether you are using Liberty or Roundup, or even dicamba.”

For dicamba or Roundup Ready® Xtend® 2 soybeans, Federated offers Engenia®, XtendiMax®, and FeXapan™ for farmer-applied use.

Whatever match you choose, “take advantage of pre-buy incentives this fall,” said Gustafson. The new double-stack from Liberty will be in limited supply, so order early. And talk to your Federated Agronomist about the best choices for your farm.