Halex® GT for the Fight Against Broadleaf Weeds, Grasses

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Once the planting and pre-emerge herbicide applications are complete, it’s time to consider strong post-emerge products: Halex GT® (a Syngenta® product) controls 90 broadleaf weeds and grasses, with long-lasting residual control.

“With its three modes of action, Halex GT is a great defense on weed resistance,” said Craig Peterson, Federated agronomist at the Ogilvie location, and it can be a good fit in a comprehensive weed control program.

Halex GT, when applied at 3.6 pt./ac., contains 3 oz. Callisto (mesotrione), 1 pt. Dual (S-metolachlor) and 27 oz. glyphosate (to be applied only to Roundup Ready corn).

This product can be applied on up to 30-in. corn, but to best protect yields, Halex GT should be applied before weeds reach 4 in.,” said Peterson, noting that adding ½ lb. of atrazine can improve broadleaf weed control, but the maximum height on corn with atrazine added is 12 in., as per the atrazine label.

The label application rate for Halex GT is 3.6 to 4 pt./ac. “Anything lower than 3.6 pt./ac. isn’t recommended as that promotes weed resistance,” said Peterson. (Always read and follow label directions.)

Talk to your Federated Agronomist to determine how Halex GT might fit your weed control program.