Attack the Pests with the Right Insecticide

“Don’t overlook insect populations this summer,” said Craig Peterson, Federated Agronomist at the Ogilvie location. As growers start scouting fields, it’s time to watch for both increasing and decreasing levels of insects.
Better decisions about insect control are based on better information. It’s critical to match the proper insecticide to the pest it’s intended to target. Why? Primarily, to avoid resistance.
And what contributes to resistance?
- - Overuse of a chemical, such as applications when pests are not at threshold levels
- - Using the same chemistry over and over
- - Applying products below labeled rates
Peterson noted that in some MN and WI counties, for example, soybean aphids have shown resistance to pyrethroids.
It’s also good to remember, said Peterson, that “using the wrong pesticide could eradicate beneficial insects and leave your intended target free to populate even more.” Peterson recommended these ways to “fend off resistance.”
- - Properly identify and quantify the insect infestation (aphids shown in photo from several seasons ago).
- - Find the correct chemistry to control the intended target.
- - If a second application is needed, use a product with a different active ingredient than the one used in the initial insecticide application (For example, use Baythroid XL, a pyrethroid Group 3A, for a first application. Then use Leverage® 360, a neonicotinoid Group 4A product, for a different chemistry in the second application.)
Federated Agronomists are ready to help identify the proper chemistries to effectively fight insect problems in this challenging growing season. Call your local Agronomist soon.