Look Forward to Next Year’s Financing

“Fall harvest is right around the corner and that time of year usually brings the best time to look at financing for next year's crop,” said Keith Steiner, Federated’s business relationship specialist.
Steiner highlighted a few different options Federated offers to help farmers manage finances and take advantage of early discounts this fall:
- - Financing through Cooperative Finance Association (CFA) offers full crop input loans at low interest rates and a farmer-friendly due date (March 2021).
- - Financing through John Deere Financial offers an open credit line through the grower’s John Deere account to purchase any farm products from Federated.
- - Financing through many of the major seed companies (e.g., Syngenta, Monsanto, Winfield, Legend) offers low interest seed financing with great early purchase fall discounts.
“It is never too early to start planning for next year's crop and Federated Co-ops is always here to help farmers make critical decisions for their farming operation,” said Steiner. Contact Steiner in Princeton for additional information.