Harvest Safety First . . . and Last

Staying safe on the farm is no small feat, but careful attention to basic guidelines can make the difference between life and death. Tom Rausch, Federated’s safety director, pointed out two areas of great concern as harvest approaches: farmer fatigue and grain bin safety.
Being tired may be the norm for busy growers – and ag retailers – but excessive fatigue is dangerous. Safety in the field and on the job is everyone’s responsibility. Safety begins with good rest.
There’s only one solution to fatigue: sleep. Well-rested people are able to be fully aware of the machinery, the environment, the people, and the work conditions around them. Tired people miss the obvious! They often miss the danger signs – and that’s when preventable accidents happen.
Rausch shared this article with thoughts on fatigue and how to prevent accidents this harvest season.
And although harvest has yet to begin, one grain bin death and several accidents have been reported within the last month, in Minnesota alone. Grain bin deaths are preventable, but not without precautions being carefully implemented.
It’s possible to very quickly be buried alive in a grain bin, and death can occur in as little as 90 seconds. Grain bin safety must be taught – and learned – by all workers on a farm, no matter what their age.
Rausch noted this list of 15 grain bin safety tips provided by EHS Safety News America; the link also includes a full-length video, “Buried Alive in Corn.”
Don’t let harvest begin without taking precautions and discussing the various aspects of farm safety with every worker on your farm. Your life may depend on it. Contact Rausch if you need additional safety information.