2020 Seed: Get it Ordered, Picked Up, or Delivered Soon

hourglass by snow and grass

“The early order seed is in the shed now,” said Cody Lezer, Federate'd seed manage at the Ogilvie location. And it’s time to move it out, from Federated to the farms.

February is the ideal time to pick up or arrange to have seed delivered because it “saves time when everything is ready [for planting] in the spring,” said Lezer.

If you haven’t ordered seed yet, your options are already limited. “Seed is getting in really tight supply,” he said, and new seed choices, such as Enlist®, have very little availability now.

If Lezer’s estimates are right, 20-25% of Federated’s growers have not yet decided on their agronomy inputs for 2020 – and time is running out (not to mention seed supply).

If you haven’t gotten seed orders in yet, do so,” he said, “or you will be stuck with whatever’s left!”

Talk to your Federated Agronomist soon. Get February seed pick-up and delivery scheduled, too.