Wheat Seed: Order Soon (with Seed Treatment)

Federated has a “pretty good wheat supply on order, but it is first-come, first served,” said Cody Lezer, Federated’s seed warehouse manager at Ogilvie. “Varieties we sell are Linkert and Bolles.”
These are “very good, exceptional varieties,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager, adding that seed treatment – which is “a very good idea” – is also available.
Federated offers CruiserMaxx® Vibrance® Cereals insecticide/fungicide seed treatment, which provides the following benefits (as described on the Syngenta website). CruiserMaxx Vibrance Cereals:
- - helps enhance germination, increases vigor, improves stand establishment, and delivers better yield potential;
- - boosts “Rooting Power” through longer-lasting disease protection that leads to strong roots and improved plant stands;
- - offers disease protection to many common wheat diseases, including bunt, root rot, smut, seed scab, Rhizoctonia, and Pythium.
“Get your orders in ASAP … we want to sell out of [wheat seed],” said Lezer, because it takes up a lot of inventory space, so “we don’t order very much extra, and it’s hard to find in-season.” Contact Lezer at the Ogilvie location to place an order or talk to your Federated Agronomist.