Palace™: A Great Option for Early Weed Control in Corn

Pre-emerge weed control is the starting point in today’s world of weed resistance. Federated recommends Palace™ herbicide for pre-emerge through early post-emerge applications on corn.
Palace is a combination of S-Metolachlor (Dual II Magnum®) and mesotrione (Callisto®).
- - For pre-emerge, rates range from 2-2.4 qt./ac., with the heavier rate on soils with >3% organic matter.
- - For post-emerge, the use rate is 1.15 -1.6 qt./ac. Always ensure that the rate matches soil type; lighter rates for lighter soils, and heavier rates for heavier soils.
When applied post-emerge, Palace does not provide grass control, but it can be used in a tank mix with glyphosate to clean up grasses. Atrazine and Stinger® are also good tank mix partners. Atrazine helps improve the weed control of the mesotrione (in Palace), while Stinger at 3-4 oz./ac. can be used to help control giant ragweed.
Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager, pointed out that Palace sprayed post-emerge requires a non-ionic surfactant. Additionally, in a Roundup-Ready system, a water softener is also required when tank mixing for post-emerge applications.
“The best timing for weed control using Palace is pre-emerge through three-leaf corn – early post-emerge,” said Carlson.
Palace can also be used as a burndown treatment in a no-till system. Talk to your Federated Agronomist to see how Palace fits your weed management plans for 2020.