Get Spring Needs in Place, Even at a Distance

“Being proactive is an extremely good idea right now,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager, since we are in “uncharted territory . . . and we can’t predict the future.”
Nutrient management plans can be done remotely, and “growers should call, first and foremost,” he stressed. Federated Agronomists can easily help growers finalize their plans by phone. “We can figure out nutrient recommendations by crop and/or field so growers have something to work with when the season starts.”
Federated is implementing measures for everyone’s benefit during the difficult COVID-19 situation. “We are being proactive on many different levels,” said Carlson. Federated recommends planning and getting things in place as much as possible, such as:
- - Seed. (Your corn seed belongs in your shed now. Untreated soybean seed can also go out now.)
- - Liquid fertilizer starters. (Federated can deliver into your storage tanks now.)
- - Seed treatment. (As soon as the weather warms, Federated will begin treating seed, starting with wheat seed and continuing with soybeans soon thereafter. Have you ordered your seed treatment?)
“If you have your supplies, you can move forward,” said Carlson. That’s a good idea in any year, but especially true this season.
Stay in communication with Federated. Be proactive. Be prepared. “There might be more things to come that are completely out of our control,” he added.
With regard to virus threats, get information from a reliable source, such as the CDC. Talk to your Federated Agronomist with your concerns too.