Custom Application Reminder: Communicate Your Plans

The pressure to get into fields is on but don’t forget to communicate your plans and help Federated keep application services on track.
“It makes our job easier if growers have a plan and are organized,” said Kelly Meyer, Federated agronomy sales rep at the Osceola location. Yet “we realize plans change, so all we ask is that you keep us in the loop,” she said, which enables application plans to flex according to need.
Meyer offered some simple guidelines to help Federated provide the “exceptional service” growers depend on:
- Make sure your 2020 Product Service Policy (PSP) is signed and on file at Federated.
- Keep your field maps updated and on file with Federated. Applicators depend on those maps.
- Make plans early and get things scheduled now.
“The earlier we know that your fields are planted the better – call us,” said Meyer, noting that pre-emerge herbicide applications can “drastically improve the control of weeds.” Call Federated when the planter leaves the field.
- Communicate any change in plans as soon as you know something has to be adjusted.
- Call early in the day. Things get more hectic as each day goes on. Tomorrow’s plans are typically in place at least a day ahead of time, so call soon and call early.
- Federated works weekends during the busiest weeks of planting, but staff is more limited. Teamwork and communication will help get through the challenges of weekends – and weekdays, too.
- Growers who apply chemicals themselves must show their current pesticide applicator’s license to pick up chemicals.
Your Federated Agronomists are ready to help keep things moving smoothly this spring. Call with any questions and to schedule applications.