Early Options Offer Early Discounts

tractor and calculator illustration

“The main thing we offer in the fall is financing options that take advantage of the earliest discounts,” said Kelly Meyer, Federated’s business service specialist. Fall is the “best time … for early purchase discounts … prepaying for spring inputs.”

Plus, fall is the best time to lock in the best pricing for the year, according to Meyer.

John Deere Financial (JDF) offers low and 0% interest financing for various seed companies. Rabo AgriFinance – a new option at Federated this year – offers 0% for NK seed. These programs include loan minimums, but none come due until fall of 2021.

Meyer said Federated also partners with Cooperative Finance Association (CFA) to provide crop input loans with no minimums. “You’ll receive the largest discounts that Federated offers to the grower,” said Meyer. And you can apply for a 2021 loan now even if you have a 2020 loan open. “You can lock in your seed,” she added.

Read the specific JDF and Rabo program details in these linked documents:

JDF programs –

Rabo programs –

For more information on any of the financing options available through Federated, contact Kelly Meyer in Osceola. Get your best financing deals by locking in interest rates and seed pricing this fall.