Have You Signed the PSP for 2021?

Don’t let the recent subzero temps fool you: “Spring is just around the corner,” said Craig Gustafson, Federated’s vice president of agronomy. “Looking at the calendar, we have about 6-8 weeks before spring planting. Are you ready?”
Check your to-do list and be sure you’ve checked off this essential task:
- Review and sign Federated’s 2021 Product Service Policy.
If you’ve checked off that item, “there’s no need to read any further,” said Gustafson. If not, remember Federated needs your signed PSP to provide custom services and/or deliver product to your farm.
“The PSP is part of communicating your [crop] plans with our agronomy team,” said Gustafson, emphasizing that “communication and early planning prevents last-minute decision making.”
Federated is focused on serving growers with value-added products and “our goal is to continually deliver the best service, without delaying spring planting,” said Gustafson.
The Federated 2021 Product Service Policy is an important part of the professional crop planning we offer to our loyal Federated customers. “Thanks for your support and business,” Gustafson said. Get your signed PSP to your Federated Agronomist soon.