Apply Pre-Emerge. Then Apply Enlist® Post-Emerge

emerging soybean plant

Enlist® herbicide (from Corteva™ Agriscience) was used extensively in Federated’s service areas in 2020 with great success, according to Bob Marquette, Federated agronomist at the Albertville location, and “we are looking forward to using it more in 2021.”

The Enlist™ weed control system offers Enlist E3 beans that are tolerant to 2,4-D choline. This herbicide addresses the resistance issues found with glyphosate and gulfosinate and gives growers an option to fight the toughest weeds, such as waterhemp and giant ragweed.

“Our problem in the past, with trying to take down big weeds, was that we were using burners, which could hurt the beans. Enlist E3 is completely tolerant to 2,4-D for those weeds,” said Marquette. And it doesn’t hurt the beans.

Federated strongly recommends spraying a pre-emerge herbicide, and then in three to four weeks spray Enlist post-emerge. “Watch the calendar, not the weeds,” said Marquette. “By doing this, we are spraying smaller weeds, which makes any herbicide more effective.”

In that timing window, Enlist has proven itself very effective in post-emerge applications, and fortunately, with the Enlist system, additional applications of glyphosate and/or gulfosinate are possible in the fight against the hard-to-control weeds.

And the best part of this story? Enlist beans yield well.

Talk to your Federated Agronomist about the Enlist E3 soybean system and your weed control options.