Take Notes Because You Won't Remember

When you can’t remember where you put your keys, there’s usually a spare set to grab, but there’s no “spare key” when it comes to remembering what you planted, applied, scouted, or observed in your fields.
As much as everyone likes to think they will remember field and crop info, the fact of the matter is that we don’t remember as specifically as we’d like. Good field notes can save the day this season and next.
Matt Kurtz, Federated’s Rush City location manager, offered this list of important items to note.
- - Seed varieties in each field – take note at planting.
- In a drought year such as this, note how each variety handles the stress.
- - Weed pressure – note types, locations, and dates relative to herbicide applications.
- - Nutrient deficiencies – pinpoint field locations with GPS coordinates. (See related article on Sirrus imaging.)
- - Insect pressure – include weather/environmental conditions.
- For example, weevil pressure is heavy in alfalfa this year.
- - Other problems – be specific and include field locations.
“Make notes on what went well and what didn’t,” said Kurtz. If you identify new issues this year, be sure to discuss them with your Federated Agronomist to find solutions for next year.