2021 Drives the Plans for 2022 Soybeans

The weather, among other things, added challenges to the 2021 growing season, but yet, “most growers have been pleasantly surprised with their soybean yields,” said Craig Loen, Federated agronomist at the Osceola location. Soybean yields are stacking up 60 to 70 bushels per acre, he noted, and Discover Plot yield results are in the works, too – “judged by the combines,” he said.
Looking back on the 2021 growing season provides fodder for 2022 planning. The next season may produce similar challenges (weather notwithstanding), and it’s good to consider how to proactively stave off potential difficulties. Consider these factors:
- - Herbicide availability, specifically, glyphosate (Roundup®) and gulfosinate (Liberty®). In 2022, gulfosinate looks to be an even tighter supply than it was this year.
Considering the availability – or lack thereof – of these two key contact herbicides, growers need to align their soybean seed choices with the chemistries that will be available to spray on those seeds. Weed management will be dicey if seeds and weed control options don’t align.
- - Weed management plans should include a minimum of two passes (pre-emerge and at least one post-emerge pass).
“There were many weed escapes in bean fields this year, with many reasons, [including] very dry conditions, hardening off on the plants, lack of moisture after applications, to name a few,” said Loen.
Federated offers “a large variety of traits, seed company options, large maturity ranges, and seed treatment options,” said Loen, noting these specifics:
- - Enlist E3®, Liberty® (LLGT27), and XtendFlex® beans that are glyphosate, glufosinate and dicamba tolerant.
Loen said, “Enlist traited beans can be a very good option; 2,4-D (Enlist One or Enlist Duo). Enlist one is straight goods and the Duo has glyphosate in the mix; they are both are very good on broadleaf weeds. Weed control is very good.”
- - LLGT27 and XtendFlex beans can be an option. “The only concern is the Liberty herbicide availability,” said Loen, adding, “[without gulfosinate] they become a Roundup bean, [but since] Federated does not custom spray Extend chemistry on soybeans, we [would] need to rely on old chemistry to help with those tough weeds.”
- - Syngenta® has their own proprietary genetics in the NK® Enlist E3 soybeans for 2022.
“The E3 beans have better stress and disease [control], along with better yields … they have been available for multiple years now. They are very competitive in the marketplace,” said Loen.
Federated Co-ops is committed to supplying growers with the best seed and chemistry products; early ordering helps that process too.
Be sure to talk to your Federated Agronomist for more information on traits, herbicide options, and availability.