Federated Co-ops & Land O'Lakes Foundations Get Involved

Through the generous financial support from Federated Co-ops, Inc., with matching funds from the Land O’Lakes, Inc. Foundation, Kanabec County 4-H has received a donation to expand our current programming opportunities and to challenge a team of youth to participate in the Minnesota 4-H Science of Agriculture Challenge.
The Minnesota Science of Agriculture program challenges youth to explore and develop science-based solutions to agricultural problems they have identified in their local communities. 4-Hers work on teams of 3-4 youth (grades 6 and up) with the help of local mentors and specialists to learn about local problems and design their solution. They then present their project at regional and state events to be evaluated and judged. The top three teams in the state will be awarded college scholarships that range from $1,000 to $500 per team member. Youth will also have a chance to connect with representatives from the University and the agribusiness community, who are eager to meet the next generation of leaders in agriculture and STEM.