2019 Weed Control Program Starts Now

It’s a busy time of year, but don’t miss your chance: “Harvesting is a great opportunity to scout your acres for troublesome perennial broadleaf weeds such as dandelion, white cockle, and Canada thistle,” said Craig Gustafson, Federated’s agronomy operations manager, adding that it’s especially important for no-till and conservation crop management programs.
Once the weed issues are spotted, it’s time to act yet this fall. For the best results, don’t wait until after a hard frost. Gustafson recommended a fall burndown combination of LV4 2,4-D with Diplomat (a high load crop oil concentrate with non-ionic surfactant). This combination is easy to apply with a low-volume water carrier (12-15 gal./ac.) with low pressure (30-40 psi).
“Fall burndown is a perfect start to your 2019 weed program,” he said.
Talk to your local Federated Agronomist with questions about the best weed burndown options for your farm. And as always, read and follow the label directions for any application of crop protection product.