Federated's Communication Tool & Policy Outline

It’s time to sit down with a Federated Agronomist and discuss Federated’s Product Service Policy (PSP). This important document outlines the responsibilities of both growers and Federated for “safe, sound chemical practices” in the application of crop protection chemicals and/or fertilizer.
Of special note this year is #6 under Federated’s Pledge, with regard to Xtend® soybeans. “Federated will not spray the following crop protection products: Xtendimax®, Engenia®, FeXapan™, or any approved dicamba for Xtend soybeans.”
Carlson explained that with the drift and volatility issues in the past year with the dicamba products, even with the new restrictions and limitations placed on applicators in MN and WI, “we feel that there is too much risk associated with off-target movement in crop, post-emerge.” (And he highlighted the consequential need to make a strong weed management plan for soybeans.)
“We’d like to go through the PSP with growers so that the growers’ and our responsibilities are clearly communicated,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s senior agronomist. The PSP clearly defines the parameters of custom application for crop protection products and fertilizer, and by adhering to it, problems are quickly identified and resolved.
“We like to take a planned approach to custom application,” said Carlson. The PSP helps Federated manage its application business better, and minimizes the potential for error. Fields change, neighboring crops change, ownership changes – “we need to talk through these things on a yearly basis,” he added.
Set a time to discuss the PSP with your Federated Agronomist soon, and get your signed (and required) PSP on file before spring application begins.