Palace™ - A New Name for a Cost-Effective Product

“It’s not a new product, but rather a new name,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s senior agronomist. “Palace™ is a private label premix of Dual II Magnum® plus Calisto® that has a wide range of application flexibility, from pre-plant to post-emerge in the corn market,” he said.
Its flexibility is one of the reasons why Federated chose this as a preferred product. It is safe on a pre-emerge or pre-plant basis because of the Dual II Magnum and Calisto on any corn . It is also flexible for Round-up Ready® (RR) or Liberty® corn on a pre-emerge and post-emerge basis.
“We want to control weeds in corn early,” Carlson noted, and that is a primary message for growers. “Corn doesn’t like competition,” he said, so it’s important to control weeds early. On RR corn fields, Palace can be tank mixed with Buccaneer Plus® for early post-emerge application.
“We can’t jeopardize weed control, even with tight budgets,” said Carlson. Palace has a very competitive price point that allows growers to combat weeds cost-effectively.
According to the Palace fact sheets, it provides:
- dual modes of action,
- good activity on waterhemp and Palmer amaranth,
- soil residual and foliar applied weed control,
- control of 50+ broadleaf weeds and grasses.
View the pre-emerge facts here , and the post-emerge info here. Contact your Federated Agronomist to learn more about Palace, a cost-effective product for fighting weeds in corn.