Managing Nitrogen with SuperU ®


Effective nitrogen (N) management plans require strong fertilizer choices, and SuperU® stabilized nitrogen fits the bill, according to John Swanson, Federated agronomist at the Ogilvie location.

SuperU is:

  • a granular urea fertilizer that maintains a 46-0-0 analysis,
  • a blue granule that is uniform for spreading,
  • treated all the way through, not just as a coating,
  • soluble in water identical to urea,
  • available to the crop once it is hydrolyzed.

SuperU also:

  • contains a urease inhibitor (NBPT) to control volatilization losses for 10-14 days or more,
  • contains a nitrification inhibitor (DCD) to reduce the potential for denitrification and leaching,
  • maintains a higher level of ammonium nitrogen (which is the positively charged and more stable form) for a longer period of time, and
  • also leads to greater potential for ammonium feeding of the plants. 

The combination of these properties reduces N losses in pre-plant applications, and can also be of benefit on light textured soils in side-dress applications.  See SuperU fact sheet.

Swanson noted that “although SuperU costs more than urea, in tough times, it is more important to be able to utilize every bit of nitrogen we put out there, and be as efficient as possible, to get the highest yields out of the inputs we are applying.” Increasing yields is the most effective way to offset low crop prices. Hear more from Swanson in the SuperU video on the Koch Agronomy website .

Contact your Federated Agronomist to learn more about SuperU, a strong choice that can reduce N loss into both the environment and the soil while positively affecting yield.