Cost Savings Line Up with Parallel Herbicide for Corn

Getting the most out of every input at a cost growers can afford brings Federated to recommend Parallel® herbicide, the generic version of Dual®.
Parallel is a cost-effective option for managing small-seed broadleaf weeds, such as waterhemp, in both soybeans and in corn in a pre-emerge and layering residual program. Its active ingredient, metolachlor, is a group 15 herbicide that has no known resistance, and has shown itself effective on waterhemp species.
Parallel gives growers more flexibility than other pre-emerge soybean herbicides by being labeled to spray both pre-emerge and post-emerge with no crop response.
Matt Kurtz, manager at Federated’s Rush City agronomy location, said, “Parallel can be tank mixed with many other herbicides and offers an easier and effective way of stacking residual chemistry to start clean and stay clean in the field.” Parallel Plus is a premix of metolachlor and atrazine. See Parallel label.
Kurtz identified “a point that speaks to all residual chemistries: Moisture is needed to activate the chemisty.” Metolachlor requires up to an inch of rain to fully activate its chemistry. However, with that moisture, Parallel, at 1 pt./ac., will provide approximately four weeks of residual broadleaf control.
Kevin Carlson, Federated’s senior agronomist, said, “Growers are looking for more value. Here [with Parallel] is a place to cut cost without impacting yield.” See Parallel fact sheet.
Contact your Federated Agronomist to discover more cost-cutting but still effective weed control options.