Summer Heat Gives Way to Demand for Propane

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Summer’s heat is drying down the crops in the field but that may not be enough. Now is the time to fill propane tanks in preparation for post-harvest drying.

According to Mark Grave, Federated’s propane division manager, “nationwide propane inventories are near a five-year average,” which should help avoid price spikes.

However, he cautioned that even with adequate propane supply there is always the concern that trucking capacity won’t be able to keep up with demand. There may not be enough trucks to “timely transport propane from supply terminals to bulk plants,” he said.

The alternative to running short on propane is to have all dryer tanks full well ahead of expected harvest dates, Grave recommended.

And about the price of propane, he said, “As is the case with all energy products, propane prices are very firm to rising as we approach fall and winter.” Grave also noted that “high propane export volume, in addition to expected domestic demand this fall and winter, has placed a firm floor on propane prices.”

Call your nearby Federated location to place propane orders soon. Specific propane questions can be directed to Grave.