“Safety First” is More than a Catch Phrase for 2020

tractor safety

In a pandemic year where everyone talks about being/staying safe, the reminder to “be safe” during harvest may seem redundant. But no. Safety is critical to a successful harvest, and if persistent reminders keep everyone safe, it won’t matter how often they’re repeated.

Tom Rausch, Federated’s safety director, shared the following information from OSHA with regard to farm safety, especially as it relates to the ever-essential tractors, which are “the leading cause of death and injury on farms.”

To prevent injuries, OSHA reminds all farm workers to:

  • - Inspect farm vehicles for safety guards, seat belts and rollover protection structure (ROPS) before driving.
  • - Check that the Slow-Moving Vehicle (SMV) emblem is clean, visible and not faded.
  • - Avoid traveling at night and during bad weather or low visibility.
  • - Watch traffic patterns, obey speed limits and avoid highways during busy travel times.
  • - Use the tractor’s platform to enter and exit.
  • - Be aware of overhead power lines, people, and uneven ground.
  • - Carry passengers only when there is appropriate seating with seat belts.
  • - Take extra precautions when driving on steep slopes and downhill.
  • - Always shut down the tractor before climbing out.

Got questions about farm safety? Rausch is here to help. Feel free to connect with him.