Yield Burst™ Technology, from Rosens, Inc., is a proprietary suite of biostimulant actives that can enhance growth and increase yields. Federated had a small introduction to the technology last year,
It’s no surprise when yields diminish due to crop stress and insufficient nutrients. Coupling good nutrients with biostimulants can mitigate stress and help maximize crop productivity by stimulating t
As another season of weed control nears, it is critical to consider herbicides with multiple sites of action to combat weed resistance. Halex GT® is one option – with three sites of action (SOA) – for
Making a plan for fertilizer/herbicide spreading and spraying plan is only half the equation. Sharing your plans with Federated will ensure that things add up this spring.
Let Federated know what’s
“It’s a good time to reflect on the 2019 and 2020 growing seasons,” said Craig Loen, Federated agronomist at the Osceola location. Assess the challenges you might encounter in:
It was a good move when Federated hired Ron Paulson as the Isanti location manager on Dec. 4, 2000, and last month Federated recognized him for 20 years of service. In 2005-2006, under Paulson’s leade
Federated Agronomist John Swanson shared an eye-opening story with valuable perspectives on weed resistance:
“Every winter I go to educational meetings put on by the University of Minnesota and the U
Coyote™ is a non-restricted herbicide for field, seed, and sweet corn, yellow popcorn, and grain sorghum (milo); it controls more than 50 broadleaf and grass weeds. Craig Peterson, Federated agronomis
To enable delivery of “consistent weed control … while assuring the safe and proper use of crop protection products,” Federated requires growers to annually sign the Product Service Policy (PSP). This