Congratulations to Luther Carlson on his retirement. Luther has been with the co-op for over 21 years. He has been a tremendous asset to the team servicing our patrons out of our Ogilvie location. His
Federated’s Soybean Discovery Plot harvest was completed just before the early snow. Results are available in the following links:
This fall Bayer® received full market approval for their XtendFlex soybeans, paving the way for sale in 2021. XtendFlex® beans are stacked with three traits: Roundup®, Xtend®, and Liberty®.
Since ap
With soybeans wet from recent snow, propane dryers will be firing up to dry the beans. Corn, however, “is really dry; it is standing well [at this point], but it has been dead a long time,” said Kevin
According to Craig Peterson, Federated agronomist at the Ogilvie location, here are the best reasons to apply ag lime in the fall:
As growers turn to harvesting corn – with soybean harvest interrupted by early snow – “it’s time to get a little more serious about seed orders,” said Bob Marquette, Federated agronomist at the Albert
“The selection of corn hybrids we should plant has become more complex as we try to battle weed resistance, insects, diseases, and mother nature,” said John Swanson, Federated agronomist at the Ogilvi
Fall burndown applications make sense. There’s more time to apply burndown herbicides now than during the “push push” of spring, according to Ryan Peterson, Federated’s custom applicator manager at th
“The main thing we offer in the fall is financing options that take advantage of the earliest discounts,” said Kelly Meyer, Federated’s business service specialist. Fall is the “best time … for early